So I am an artist who helps create video games and as of
late I have been working mostly in 2D and I was feeling a bit rusty in my 3D
works. So I thought I would open up 3DS Max and do some “Box” Modeling or “Hard
surface” modeling is what I think the term is now.
I got to thinking and
looked over at the TARDIS cookie Jar I have on my desk. So I thought “What
could be simpler that a Police Call ‘BOX’ to model?” (What was I thinking
right?) So away it went eyeballing the toy and adding a flair here and there of
my own not really knowing what I wanted to do with the end result. The thing
was almost done when I started mulling over materials and textures. I thought
“If I put a nice glass on the dome, I might have to build a bulb to go inside
it.” So off to the internet I went! I mean I thought “Somebody out there would
know what kind of bulbs are in this thing!” This is when I came across this
site. I was, to say the least, floored.

I like the dome I came up with, but got so lost in the site
I forgot to look up a bulb for it! HAHAHA!
I am going to hand paint my textures and Normal maps
I am happy to have
feedback on the model.
It is a Work In
Just about done, Not sure how I feel about the Matt Smith variation.

Well to close out this tread, here are two of the more finished renders that I did.